Thursday, October 22, 2009

cca presentation

i really enjoyed going to see the cca presentation. There were many works of art that caught my eye and i am going to sketch some images for the next projects to come.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

So last week was the big AP art retreat at Menucha, which i thought was going to be somewhat of a bummer, but it turned out wayy sick. i made an andy goldsworthy sculpture which turned out way better than i thought and my box was cool which i made. My favorite thing thoguh would have to be the molds that we made. My bird mold is going to help me save time in the next piece i do. Great Trip!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Top to Bottom...
2. Youth
3. Salvage
4. Moving Art
5. Duplication

5 pics to Amy